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Julie Staggs
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United States
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Neurolanguage Coach

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United States
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Coach Profile

Julie Staggs is from the west coast of the United States. She has had a love of other cultures and languages beginning as a young child after hearing stories from family and friends about life abroad. This curiosity sparked a strong desire to travel and connect with people from other cultures. She took her first trip abroad to eastern Europe at 15 and was hooked. She has since traveled to many more countries in all parts of the world and met many incredible people along the way.

Her love of people from other cultures guided her career path of English language education, where she could share her passion of the language with others she met. She received a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics, a Master's degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and is currently a doctoral candidate in Educational Leadership. She is a licensed K-12 teacher and principal, and is completing her coursework in project management for certification.

Julie worked in the field of English language education in Namibia, Ecuador, India and in Saudi Arabia for several years. Her desire has grown to be able to reach as many students as possible from all over the world who are seeking to accelerate their English skills to create the life of their dreams. To this end, she is completing her Neurolanguage Coaching (registered US and European trademark in the name of Rachel Marie Paling) certification from Efficient Language Coaching Global SLU, which is accredited by the International Coach Federation and began her language coaching business in 2021.

Other cultures (of course!), neurolinguistics, the spoken and written word, singing, grammar, and punctuation (of all things).

Coaching, editing documents, writing, grammar, cross-cultural communication, and breaking ideas down into comprehensible components

D.Ed. candidate in Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, Oregon, USA (anticipated 2022)
MA TESOL/Master's International Program (Peace Corps), Washington, D.C., USA
BA Applied Linguistics, Oregon,&

Enthusiastic English Neurolanguage Coach®, specializing in business communication, project management studies, pragmatics, pronunciation, and academic and technical writing

Coach / Business Details
OnPoint English Coaching
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