Brand Guidelines, Copyright and Intellectual Property

Efficient Language Coaching Global SLU Brand Guidelines, Copyright and Trademark Information and Intellectual Property Notice

Your guide to the rules relating to the trademarks, intellectual property and brands owned by Rachel Paling and Efficient Language Coaching.

Welcome to this guide for Neurolanguage Coaches, Neurolanguage Communication Coaches and NeuroHeart Educational Coaches. In this guide we have laid out the rules around the use of Rachel’s trademarks, logos, IP and materials and hope that it explains what can and can’t be done.

If you have any questions at all relating to the details below, please get in touch with the team.

Brand and Trademark guidelines

Guidlance on the use of the company’s logos, marks and trademarks.

Authorised Corporate Colours

Effiecient Language Coaching:


Hex code: #27ACA9


Hex code: #666666


Hex code: #B6974B

Network Blue

Hex code: #333C4E

Alternative Grey

Hex code: #625A5E

Teal Accent

Hex code: #008080

NeuroHeart Education:


Hex code: #1D1D1B


Hex code: #642581


Hex code: #D60A53


Hex code: #3DAA36


Hex code: #F7E826


Hex code: #F0820D


Hex code: #E7342A

Brand & Protected Trademark - Efficient Language Coaching

UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00910127082 & UK00910247971


Colour Claimed : Blue (strong cyan – Pantone 326/96%), grey

Authorised for use by Licensed Coaches and Licensed Coach Trainers ONLY.

This is an official mark and is trademarked. Trademark owned by Rachel Marie Paling. All rights reserved.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Authorised colours are: Cyan on white background, Grey on whitebackground, white on dark backgrounds.

All textual references to Efficient Language Coaching must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).

Brand & Protected Trademark - NeuroHeart Education

UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00918236482 & UK00918293381

Authorised for use by the company ONLY at present. Permission to use may be obtained from Rachel directly.

This is an official mark and is trademarked. Trademark owned by Rachel Marie Paling. All rights reserved.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Authorised colours are: Cyan / Black wording on white background, White wording on medium backgrounds. Dark backgrounds are not supported.

Textual references to NeuroHeart Education must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).

Brand incorporating Protected Trademark - NeuroHeart Education Conference

Incorporates the UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00918236482 & UK00918293381

Authorised for use by the company ONLY at present.
Permission to use may be obtained from Rachel directly.

This is an official mark and incorporates the trademarked NeuroHeart Education mark.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark
Authorised colours are: Cyan / Blue wording on white background, White wording on medium backgrounds.

Textual references to NeuroHeart Education must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).

Brand incorporating Protected Trademark- NeuroHeart Education Foundation

Incorporates the UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00918236482 & UK00918293381

Authorised for use by the NeuroHeart Education Foundation ONLY. Permission to use may be obtained from Rachel directly.

This is an official mark and incorporates the trademarked NeuroHeart Education mark.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Authorised colours are: Cyan / Black wording on white background, White wording on medium backgrounds. Dark backgrounds are not supported.

Textual references to NeuroHeart Education must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).

Brand & Protected Trademark - Neurolanguage Collective

UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00915106222

Authorised for use by the company ONLY. Permission to use may be obtained from Rachel directly.

This is an official mark and is trademarked. Trademark owned by Rachel Marie Paling. All rights reserved.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Authorised colours are: Cyan / Black wording on white background, White wording on medium backgrounds. Dark backgrounds are not supported.

Textual references to Neurolanguage Collective must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).

Brand & Protected Trademark - Neurolanguage Coaching

UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00912065199

Authorised for use by all fully qualified Neurolanguage Coaches, Neurolanguage Communication Coaches and NeuroHeart Educational Coaches.

This is an official mark and the words “Neurolanguage Coaching” are trademarked. Trademark owned by Rachel Marie Paling. All rights reserved.

There are separate logos for each qualification that use this mark, Those logos are authorised for use depending on the qualification you have acheived.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Textual references to Neurolanguage Coaching must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).



Rachel Paling is happy to grant the use of the name and trademark for no royalty or fee.

In order to legally protect the concept Neurolanguage coaching,  whenever you use the term(s) Neurolanguage Coaching® or Neurolanguage Coach®, you are  required to demonstrate the trademark with the symbol ® and then mention in brackets (registered US and European trademark in the name of Rachel Marie Paling). If you make reference to the name as an approach and method, then we would ask you to also source the “method and approach created by Rachel Marie Paling”. 

The term(s) may be used for language coaching with all language learners, however may not be used for the training of other teachers/trainers/educators of languages. 

The trademark may be used to promote and explain your services, but may not be used in a way as to create confusion with other competitors or confusion with other trademarks. In addition you must not use the trademark in a misleading or disparaging way or use the trademark in violation of applicable law or in connection with an obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic or material.

If the use of the trademark is used in any way that harms/damages the trademark, then we retain the right to revoke this grant to use the trademark. 

Brand & Protected Trademark- ELC Language Coaching Certification

UK Trademarks (trademarked in EU and USA also): UK00911807245

Authorised for use by Licensed Coaches and Licensed Coach Trainers ONLY.

This is an official mark and is trademarked. Trademark owned by Rachel Marie Paling. All rights reserved.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Authorised colours are: Cyan / Black wording on white background, White wording on medium backgrounds. Dark backgrounds are not supported.

Textual references to ELC Language Coaching Certification must have the ® symbol on the right hand side of the text (left hand side when using RTL languages).

Brand - Neurolanguage Coach Network

Authorised for use by all fully qualified Neurolanguage Coaches, Neurolanguage Communication Coaches and NeuroHeart Educational Coaches.

This is an official mark owned by Efficient Language Coaching. All rights reserved.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Private Logo - Rachel Paling

Authorised for use by the company ONLY.

This is an official mark owned by Rachel Marie Paling. All rights reserved.

Mark specifics:

Under no circumstances may the logo and mark be distorted or pixelated.

The logo and mark must have at least 30px between it and any other logo or mark.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

1 - Using images from external sources

Do not, under any circumstances, use images that are not licensed for use.

When creating your own websites, materials, literature etc, it is vital that you source images from online suppliers that have clear licencing instructions. There are some online providers that do supply royalty free images such as but we would strongly recommend that you use a paid for platform that allows you to prove that you are using licensed images.

Recomended sites are:

Using unlicensed images will undoubtedly violate the rights of the image owner and you could be pursued legally in found to be infringing their copyright.

It is prohibited for coaches to use unlicensed images with text relating to Efficient Language Coaching or any of the brands and marks or materials owned by Rachel Paling or Efficient Language Coaching.


2 - Using text, methods, frameworks, models or any other works owned by Rachel

No works, publications, models, frameworks, studies, course materials or books can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information retrieval system without the EXPLICIT permission in writing from Rachel Paling or the Publishers of such materials.

You cannot use any ELC materials and trademarks unless you have express permission and authorisation from the ELC team and/or have successfully completed all the ELC courses and are an ELC Licensed Trainer for the ELC courses.


3 - Training Teachers

You are precluded from training other teachers/trainers or any other educators in the Neurolanguage Coaching® method or create any other materials or courses for teachers trainers or coaches that take ideas, content or structure or resemble in any way Neurolanguage Coaching®.

This means that you must not train, teach or coach any other teachers/trainers/coaches or give webinars relating to Neurolanguage Coaching unless you have successfully completed all the ELC courses which are the ELC Language Coaching certification, the Advanced, the Professional and the Teacher training course and you are a signed and authorised ELC Licensed Trainer.

4 - Public Speaking

You cannot reveal contents of the course or our manuals at conferences (online or in person) or seminars/workshops and will not speak about Neurolanguage Coaching® at conferences/public occasions without the express written consent ofEfficient Language Coaching Global SLU as this would be a breach of trademark and copyright law.

5 - Social Media Accounts

Social Media accounts and Groups that are set up for Neurolanguage Coaching or contain any of the trademarks or contain any materials and content that are subject to our copyright must be set up by the ELC team and wholly owned by ELC. It is not permitted for Neurolanguage Coaches, in any country, to set up social media accounts, pages or groups using our intellectual property. For example, Russia has Facebook and Instagram accounts that have been set up by us and are owned by us but are administered and managed by Neurolanguage Coaches based in Russia.

What is not acceptable:

– The use of the trademarks in the username – The use of the trademarks in descriptions without the registered trademark symbol – Describing yourself as having a qualification that you do not yet have – Using materials that are subject to copyright without Rachel’s permission – for example, Rachel’s models, slides, manual content etc

What is acceptable:

– Telling the world, in your description and content that you are a Neurolanuage Coach (if you have completed the training and are certified) – Explaining what Neurolanguage Coaching is and how you deliver your services  – if you need help with this, let us know This allows us to license you to use the marks and IP owned by Rachel and ELC. For further clarification, please contact the ELC team.

6 - Official Copyright Notice

Rachel Marie Paling is the owner of all intellectual property rights on all ELC’s websites, all Neurolanguage Coaching® courses, Neurolanguage Communication® courses, NeuroHeart Education® Coaching course, her books and in the materials published within them.

These works and courses are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world.

No works, publications, models, frameworks, studies, course materials or books can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information retrieval system without the EXPLICIT permission in writing from Rachel Paling or the Publishers of such materials.

For the avoidance of doubt, you must not adapt, edit, change, transform, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, rebroadcast, or show or play in public materials and property owned by Rachel Paling without our prior written permission.

We take the protection of our copyright very seriously. If we discover that you have breached our terms, we may bring legal proceedings against you and seek monetary damages and/or an injunction to stop you using our materials. You could also be ordered to pay our legal costs.

Efficient Language Coaching®, Neurolanguage Coaching®, Neurolanguage Collective®, NeuroHeart Education®, ELC Language Coaching Certification® and ELC Neurolanguage Communication® are registered trademarks held by Rachel Marie Paling.